Newly renovated ICU officially operational |21 November 2019

The renovated ICU now provides a more conducive working environment for staff (Photo: Thomas Meriton)
After three months of renovation work, the intensive care unit (ICU) at the Seychelles Hospital is finally operational.
For the past couple of weeks, the ICU had undergone extensive renovation to fix its roof, which had been damaged by water, its flooring as well as the lighting which were in a bad state.
Dr Mickey Noel, consultant in charge of the ICU and anaesthesia, noted that the layout of the ICU remains the same with its six beds, and during renovation work they used an assigned area at the D’Offay Ward to admit patients in critical conditions.
The ICU’s nurse manager, Lina Philoe, noted that one constraint they have is the lack of space to put all patients in the same intensive care unit, and noted that because of this they have to divide the staff.
“The policy of the Ministry of Health in relation to infrastructure dictates that if an area within the hospital starts deteriorating, then renovation must be done and that is very challenging because it is expensive and renovation is done at the same time that patients are receiving care which makes our job more difficult,” said Dr Robert Michel, principal medical officer.
Dr Michel added that now patients are in a cleaner environment and the workers of the ICU are in a more conducive environment to give the best possible care.
He also noted that visitors to the ICU should be strictly for close relatives, adding that the patient’s life is compromised when there is an influx of visitors bringing contaminantion inside the ICU, so visitors should respect the rules of the ICU.
A second phase for the construction of a new ICU is slated to start next year and this will provide room for twelve additional beds.
Dr Michel also noted that there are plans for an ICU especially for children as all patients are currently sharing the same unit.
Renovations on the male and medical wards are also expected to start next year.
The ICU is currently providing care for three patients since yesterday.
By Christophe Zialor