Assembly’s IAC meets Seychelles Maritime Academy officials |30 October 2019

IAC members listening to a presentation
Members of the International Affairs Committee (IAC) of the National Assembly met the chairman, management and staff of the Seychelles Maritime Academy (SMA) last Friday to discuss the current challenges that the institution is presently facing.
The meeting was requested by the IAC ahead of discussions on the 2020 budget.
The director of SMA, Captain Krishan Perera, welcomed the committee members and offered a presentation on the mission, vision of the institution and the progress made over the years, as well as an overview of the various courses both full time and apprenticeship that they presently offer.
It is to be noted that the courses are SQA validated and the IAC members were also informed of the contributions made over the years by different partners of the institution, namely Cinec, Seypec, SFA and SMSA.
The deputy director, Captain Wilton Ernesta, assisted with the presentation more specifically on the fisheries area and the IAC committee members had the chance to ask questions and the instructors were also involved in the interaction.
Issues such as a shortage of instructors and the control over management from the Ministry of Education that does not allow for real autonomy, especially in the area of salaries for specialised staff, was also discussed.
The chairperson of the IAC committee, Jean-François Ferrari, promised that the National Assembly will give its full support in raising the issues during the upcoming budget debate.