Seychelles Prison Service holds training on proper management of prison intelligence |21 August 2019

Supt. St Ange shakes hands with Mr Lawelin, the coordinator of the training
Training on how to manage and collect intelligence within a prison setting is now underway with a number of selected prison staff participating.
The training, which started on Monday and will go on for the whole week, is being delivered by Benjamin Lawelin from the UNODC.
To open the training the Superintendent of Seychelles Prison, Raymond St. Ange, welcomed the continued engagement of the UNODC and thanked the officers for their interest and contributions to date so as to see a better prison service.
The UNODC and the Seychelles Prison Service have a long history of cooperation and support on many levels.
“Earlier in the year we submitted our training plan which identified several areas of need. Gathering intelligence in a prison setting was an area deemed quite important for obvious reasons. The INTEL training being delivered this week will certainly compliment and support other training and operational approaches that we are undertaking, all with the aim of improving security in general,” Chief Inspector Sam Dodin, Information Officer and Head of Supply & Logistics, from the Seychelles Prison Service said.
Training for the remainder of 2019 will continue to cover weapons safety and safe use as well as First Aid and CPR, to name but a few.