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Suspected illegal fishing by foreign vessel intercepted within Seychelles EEZ |09 August 2019

Suspected illegal fishing by foreign vessel intercepted within Seychelles EEZ

The vessel that was intercepted on suspicion of illegal fishing

The Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) and the police are conducting an investigation into a case of suspected illegal fishing by a foreign vessel within the Seychelles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

According to a joint communiqué from the Ministry of Fisheries & Agriculture, the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) and the Seychelles Coast Guard (SCG), the latter’s patrol vessel Topaz intercepted a flagless vessel within the Seychelles EEZ

during its routine patrol on Saturday August 3, 2019.

“The vessel was boarded by coast guard personnel. Seven (7) crew members of Sri Lankan nationality were found onboard. After initial search, fresh fish, salt and fishing gears were found onboard. The vessel was then escorted to Port Victoria for further investigation by the SFA and the police,” says the communique.

This is the fifth suspected illegal fishing case that has been investigated since the start of 2019. Three (3) out of the five (5) have resulted in prosecution by the Supreme Court of Seychelles.

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