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ECPD keen in setting up international centre for post-graduate studies in Seychelles |22 November 2014

Seychelles’ founding President Sir James Mancham has been mandated by the secretary general of the European Centre for Peace and Development (ECPD), Prof. Negoslav Ostojic, to open discussions with the Seychelles government concerning the ECPD’s interest in creating an International Centre for Postgraduate Studies in Seychelles.

The ECPD, founded 30 years ago, has its headquarters in Belgrade, Serbia and operates in association with UN mandated University for Peace.

Mr Mancham was in Belgrade over the last three days this week - first to finalise discussions concerning publication of a Serbian edition of his recently published work ‘SEYCHELLES - The saga of a small nation navigating the cross-currents of a big world’ and to make a presentation to distinguished academicians and scholars of ECPD on the topic ‘Impact of contemporary global trends and their repercussions on small countries with special view on the Balkan region’.

Mr Mancham was specially welcomed by academician Prof. Ljubisha Adamovich, a member of the Board of Directors of ECPD, who introduced him as a man of global commitments, who has the last 20 years been associated with ECPD's search for peace globally, with special interest in revolving contentions and conflict within the Balkan region.

Yesterday Mr Mancham was specialy interviewed by National Serbian Televison, at its headquarters in central Belgrade, for its weekly afternews foreign programme, on the situation in the region against the background of the competing influences of big powers.

Mr Mancham once again regretted the policy of ‘Might is Right’. However, he said that sometimes historical grievances had to give way to present day realities if a nation is to move forward.

Mr Mancham leaves Belgrade today for Florence, Italy where he is to attend the 2014 annual meeting of Le Club de Madrid.




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