Fathers of Grand Anse Praslin primary pupils juggle with NGO idea |16 July 2018
Grand Anse Praslin primary school could soon have a new father’s committee -- a first for the school.
The idea followed a recent presentation by the National Council for Children (NCC) at the school, which was attended by almost 100 fathers of the district.
Following this, a group of 12 fathers met to discuss how to go about forming the committee and even registering as a non-governmental organisation.
“This is one way we hope that fathers will feel more involved in the school life of their children,” says Richard Meriton, one of the initiators of the committee.
In spite of receiving the full support of the school, Mr Meriton adds that to have a successful committee, which can help raise funds and organise activities, they intend to register as an NGO, making it a first such initiative for the island.
The committee has received the support of NCC which is advising the group on the modalities of registering as well as providing capacity building for future activities through their sub-office on Praslin.
“Women and children are not the only ones who need protection and guidance, men also deserve such protection and through our support we hope the committee can be pivotal in getting men to fully participate in the lives of their children and their families,” says Fatma Bibi, the training coordinator of NCC.