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Flag raising ceremony marks Independence Day anniversary |01 July 2014

The raising of Seychelles flag at the Voice of Our Nation monument (Moniman Lavwa Lanasyon) was the first activity organised to mark Seychelles’ 38th Independence Day anniversary on Sunday June 29.
The event was attended by President James Michel, Vice-President Danny Faure, Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Herminie, President of the Court of Appeal Francis MacGregor, judges, ministers, members of the diplomatic corps and of the National Assembly, among other invited guests.

The day was blessed by a prayer from different church leaders who form the Seychelles Interfaith Religious Council (Sifco), led by Bishop Denis Wiehe of the catholic mission.
They thanked God for the light which he has spread over the Seychellois nation, and for the beauty, resources and people which bless our land.

They prayed that we remain united as one nation, and that we are spared from poverty, crime and bad influences.

After being delivered by a mixed group of young citizens, scouts and President’s Award members to the Seychelles Coast guard, the flag was raised while Aubrey, Petra, Cresheila and Marcus sang the National Anthem.

This is the sixth time the flag raising ceremony takes place at the Voice of Our Nation monument which symbolises the unity of our people. It comprises a 7m by 3.5m national flag, the largest in the country, rising atop a 25m stainless steel pole, and which proudly reminds us of our national symbols.

Apart from the flag itself which stands majestically in the middle, there are three bronze plaques – one  carrying the image of the first pages of our Constitution with the words of its preamble, another showing Seychelles islands and the third featuring the armorial bearings -- which grace the base of the monument.

Seychelles gained independence from Britain on June 29, 1976. Sir James Mancham became the first President of Seychelles with former President France Albert Rene as prime minister.




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